Just before Christmas, Jack wasn't able to touch the bottom of this play center when he sat in it. Now he can stand up on his own and hold himself up while he plays. His favorite parts are the elephant and the circus book. Mostly he just chews on the book and I bet if he could get the elephant to his mouth he would start chewing on that also.
Both boys take a pause from playing to catch up on some TV watching. While we try to keep Jack from watching TV, he is getting good at contorting his body so he can get a glimpse of what is on.
Jack and Kevin chill on the couch after finishing a bottle. Jack likes to lean on the arm of the couch and stand up so he can see what is happening in the living room.
After seeing Jack get so much attention while he sits in the boppy, Ember decides to try it out to see if we will pay attention to her again. No such luck for kitty cat!