Sunday, April 24, 2011


It seems some stray seeds shimmied down from the flower garden and planted themselves. There are about 6 plants growing here. The other seeds I planted in the flower garden have just begun to sprout.


Jack really got excited when he saw the Lightning McQueen towel. You can't really tell from the pictures but he is bouncing up and down and clapping his hands.

When he first pulled it out of his basket.

McQueen, McQueen, McQueen!

Jack trying to wrap the towel around himself.

I cute with towel. Each time I try to fold it up and put it in the bathroom he goes and finds it so he can open it up again.

Easter Basket

The most prized surprise in his Easter basket were these 4 cars: Chick Hicks, The King, McQueen, and a new guy. Their eyes do cool things like change the direction they move and close.Race cars!

Taking turns gobbling down candy while playing with his cars.

His shirt is wet on the front because he had been helping Kevin wash the cars while I prepared the basket. The red ones have chocolate easter bunnies in them.

What's this? It's not a toy so get it out of my basket!

Car stickers! Gas pump, Lizzie, Piston cup!

Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny left a plethora of eggs for Jack to find this morning! He grabbed his basket, skipped down the lawn and quickly began gathering his eggs. They were everywhere!

Eggs in the flowers!

Eggs on the stairs!

Eggs by the stump! Jack's basket got so full that when he was running around, the eggs would bounce out of the basket and fall to the ground.

Kevin standing by the stump to help Jack realize there were a bunch of eggs there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Jacksonville Zoo!

This was a must see spot to view all of the alligators! Jack preferred to crawl on the statue of an alligator, rather than look at the real alligators. A Komodo Dragon lying in the shade.
Jack and Jolene being bad by playing in the rose bushes.
My favorite giraffe! He was so cute and kept coming over to us.

Jacksonville Zoo!

Seconds after walking by the kids this silverback gorilla, Quinto, beats on the glass separating us from him. Everyone in the crowd gave out a startled cry and then it quickly turned to a nervous laughter. It was obvious how powerful this creature is. "I choose alligator mama!"
Had a blast running around the two elephant sculptures. Jolene and Jack really enjoyed being able to run under the elephants.
The whole gang pauses to watch the leopard pace around his paddock. He was located across the water pond from the rhinos.

Jacksonville Zoo!

Jack and Jolene find a rock structure to play on near the elephants. Here is Jack in mid-jump.
Jack decides he wants to push his stroller around the zoo, he only plowed into 2 or 3 people. Luckily they were good humored about it.
These two rhinos surprised everyone on the train as we turned the corner because they were so close to the fence.
We jumped onto the choo choo train as soon as we entered the park. It goes around the entire zoo and provides a behind the scenes look at the animal exhibits. We were so glad we got on early because later in the day the lines for the train were sooooooooo long.
This turtle greets you as you enter the Zoo. Most of the creatures you can find in the zoo are painted onto his body.

New Tree

Jack helps Kevin add the peat moss to the hole. They kept adding water to keep the new soil moist, hoping to create a good environment for our new baby trees.
I think Jack is wondering if he could jump into the hole. He is mesmerized by how deep it is.
Kevin digs a deep hole to fit both of the pots that Aunt Gail sent to us. We really want these trees to grow!

Since the soil in Gilchrist County is basically sand, we had to add a bag of peat moss and manure to help these little trees have a chance at growing. Jack adds water to the peat moss. He is becoming an expert on using the hose, he hardly ever splashes us any more when he tries to water things.