Jack wants to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. He eagerly awaits our family visiting again to get some grandparent and auntie time in. Too bad they don't make turkey flavored formula.
Chuck, Dee, and Maddie came over to hang out on Halloween night. I couldn't find a pumpkin big enough to fit Maddie but Jack wasn't as lucky. We were visited by many trick or treaters that night that came by either tractor, trailer, or truck.
We stopped by PK to visit with my class. I had been gone for 6 weeks and was anxious to see how my kids were doing. They really enjoyed seeing Jack and were amazed at his big blue eyes.
Karen visited for a week to help take care of Jack. She quickly become a pro at taking care of him and was a huge help all week. Here we are on Halloween night showing off our carved pumpkins. The pumpkin in the middle is the cutest, I think.